Orthotic Selection

Selecting the right ICB Orthotic for each patient is important, to ensure the right amount of support and correction is provided, whilst also being suitable to fit in the patient’s preferred style of footwear.  3 factors should be considered in the orthotic selection process:

1. Choose the DENSITY

Factors such as the amount of excessive pronation, the patient’s body weight and any pre-exisiting medical conditions (such as Diabetes and Rheumatoid Arthritis) should be considered when selecting the appropriate orthotic density.  Below is a general guide: 

SOFT White

For patients <50kg, or Diabetic and Geriatrics.

MID Blue

For patients  55-75kg, or medium pronation


Mid density for children aged 15 months to pre-teens

FIRM Green

For patients >90kg, or severe pronation


Suitable for sporting activities and general use

2. Select Orthotic STYLE

2/3 Length

Full Length

Dress Style

High Heel

High Flange

Before fitting any orthotic device, ensure the patient’s shoes are in good condition. If they are badly worn they should be replaced and any lining or insoles removed.

You can use the sizing chart provided as a guide to estimate the orthotic size based on the patient’s shoe size.  For greater accuracy place the orthotic under the foot – ensuring the distal edge of the orthotic finishes 5-10mm behind the bisection of the 1st MTPJ.

Patient Compliance: Patients should wear the orthotics for 1 hour on the 1st day (or until discomfort occurs), 2 hours on the second day – gradually building up to wearing them full time.

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